What is a sports mouthguard?

What is a sports mouthguard?

What is a sports mouthguard?

A “sports mouthguard” is a protective device worn over the teeth and gums to prevent injury during sports or physical activities. It is typically made of soft plastic material and moulded to fit the shape of an individual’s teeth. Mouthguards are commonly used in contact sports like football, hockey, and boxing, where there’s a risk of impact to the face or mouth. They help cushion blows to the face, reducing the risk of broken teeth, jaw injuries, and soft tissue damage. Properly fitted mouthguards are an essential piece of protective equipment for athletes of all ages and skill levels.

How do I care for my sports mouthguard?

After every use, using a toothbrush scrub your mouthguard with dishwashing liquid in lukewarm water and rinse well. Ensure your mouthguard dries properly before storing it away in its case to prevent bacteria from breeding on it.

Dental plaque that can accumulate on your teeth can build up on your sports mouthguard too if not regularly cleaned.